oh i have a Suay - Lucky - Suay day
let start from how SUAY i am...
today is a Saturday.. so it will means that i'm working as a cashier!
so as usual, i wake up early in the morning and off to work i went!
first thing first, before the store open, we need to load cash into the cashier box
and so i happily force open the coin bag and POOF!
guess what?
the staples got stuck in my finger =.=
what a great feeling.. and so all my coin are scattering all over the place
Plus my back is aching like i'm 70years old after the NAPFA test on Thursday!
i still have to bent over to pick up all the coins on the floor while enduring the shioking sensation on my finger tips..
lets give this "shioking" experience 5 stars!
"tick tock tick tock"
more then 1hour past.. and there isn't much customer..
so i decided to stand some where near my "jail" (cash counter) like what i always did until someone comes and pay for their item..
on the way out of "jail" i will pass by the store room door which is just beside the common walk way..
the door open while i was right beside it
"BANG!!" =.= the door knock onto me and i knock onto the cashier counter
though it quite painful, but i say its alright to the staff to opened the door
oh im so brave~ *clap clap
how much more dumb can i get? i wonder.....
since i was out of "jail".. i will have to do my part by serving the customer =]
so i come upon this customer who wanted to try a few pairs of sandal..
i helped the promoter to check for sizes and while trying to pull out the box from the many other, the MOUNTAIN HIGH boxes decided to fall on me.. *arghhhhhhh~
lucky they are only sandal thus they are a lot more lightly then the usual box.. if not i would have been crush by the boxes falling on me..
its not that i'm not skillful enough.. but the box are so light, the moment you pull one, the rest on top will folllow.. that explain why they looses balance *blink blink
imma engineering student afterall~
wei kiam called and said he got free tickets to NDP preview!!!
like whoohooo~
God finally took pity on me! hahahaha.. he must have knew i wanted to watch NDP live regardless it is the actual day or preview!
so i asked my sup if it is possible for me to leave 1hour earlier so that i'll be able to catch the preview..
after consulting my manager, IM ALLOWED TO GO OFF EARLIER!!!!
WHEEEEEE~ *raise your hand and move your body
so me, sn, and kiam went to watch NDP together~
like so lucky lah..so many die to watch but cant get the ticket (eg. Alex CCT)
XD dont sad okay ACCT, when i have the ticket next time.. i make sure i reserve one for you..
afterall im your ONE AND ONLY friend right? =]
anyway the firework is like damn cool! like some rain falling from the sky and the best thing is...
THEY ARE ODOURLESS! picture will be uploaded next time.. hahaha
cause i dont have any if me now
so why do i say im suay after i get to watch NDP?
the reason is simple!
remember i once blog about this weirdo i met in the train
and i recognise him immediatly! he must have really left a deep impression..
so lemme show you some of his pic..
Look at his hand on his lap.. cool eh?
now we will show you how 2 finger on the lap can be done
do you still have any more question?
or which part do you not understand?
come take train with me more often so that you will be able to see him in real and ask them to teach you directly!
i think that guys beside him caugh me taking photo! hahaha
dont worry sir! your face is way to blur to be recognise =]
so that all for now!
i nearly fall asleep while typing this entry =.=
good bye everyone!~
do come back for more! =]